Silk Road forums

Discussion => Security => Topic started by: Aoth14 on January 14, 2012, 07:21 am

Title: Reducing clutter in SR forums
Post by: Aoth14 on January 14, 2012, 07:21 am
 I see a lot of talk attempting to identify scammers,both buyer and vendor,and while these type of threads seems like a good idea, one of my reasons for not hanging out on the forum much is the fact that every corner I turn, someone is being called a scammer or LE,or some other heated discussion. While not effected financially, I hate associating my well-being medications with finger-pointing and the obligation to question the motives of others. This is why I left the local market in the first place.

 One problem I've ran into during my short time here is people on the forum sending private messages about business, who obviously, or even admittedly don't even have a SR market account. While I'm sure a lot of people don't necessarily want their forum ID and market ID correlated,and I know that would be a daunting task for the SR team, I feel if the open areas of the forum were limited to only somewhat established SR market members, I think the bickering, backup accounts, illegitimate posts and other fraudulent actions would be reduced significantly.  Maybe I'm wrong and it would cause more problems, but as of right now, the few times I've posted regarding controlled substances, I get messages from people I would never consider doing business with.

 If new users were limited to certain areas (start-up/tech/help,etc) of the forum until after they had met some type of requirements, (completing a transaction on the market, a designated time allotment,paying a one time fee, etc) It would make me personally feel a lot more at ease. You know not every member of the forum is or will be participating on the market, and from general forum experience, I suspect a large portion of members have multiple accounts for the sole reason of causing trouble.

 I know I'm just another one of the many brainstormers who wishes the SR forum wasn't largely composed of snitch talk (sadly my thread is contributing), but I just had to see how others felt about separating new users until they are familiar with the market in its entirety, and proven to have even the slightest interest in the processes of market transactions. Being called a scammer because of your new status or ignorance to the process and practices of this market is no fun,and not good for the community. New users are also jumping in before they are ready, right into the scammers hands. Even a compulsory rule book would help. Because then any member who blatantly defies certain rules could be more accurately identified as a scammer or other negative entity.

 Does SR have interest in maintaining the forum as far as fraud, impersonation, and undercover LE goes? Even their statements about out of escrow transactions are seemingly nihilistic. I will say the new PIN requirement seems like a good idea, as long as the account isn't compromised at the time the PIN is set/changed,which apparently is still a problem with new users. (honestly,should anyone who can't securely store the legit URL offline be allowed free run of SR?!)

Basically to sum up my feelings and jumbled ramblings, forcing new users to learn what they need to know before they can stalk the fields doesn't sound like a bad idea. Feeling left out for a while is a small price to pay IMO.

Title: Re: Reducing clutter in SR forums
Post by: Variety Jones on January 14, 2012, 10:31 am
I have clients who have made purchases well over a grand in total that don't even have forum accounts, and it wouldn't be fair to them to limit their access if they decided to create a forum account under a different name.

Any rules you put in place would soon be bypassed, causing more rules, which would be bypassed, causing more...

Trying to stop troll accounts is like trying to stop file sharing. Nice idea, but impossible, and any attempts would only serve to inconvenience regular folks who get caught up in the troll prevention rules, meanwhile it wouldn't inconvenience the trolls who would soon learn to work around the rules.

It is rather Darwinian, but everyone is responsible for their own security, and has to use their best judgement in dealing with people here.

Hell, I've been called LE by Mister Dank, who's definition of LE is anyone who disagrees with him, anyone who bought from him, and anyone who has a vowel in their name. So what. Sticks and stones...
Title: Re: Reducing clutter in SR forums
Post by: unbiased on January 14, 2012, 01:25 pm
I think it depends on which topics and which threads you're hanging out in.  Even the product type that is being discussed attracts different personalities.
Title: Re: Reducing clutter in SR forums
Post by: DigitalDong on January 14, 2012, 03:30 pm
i think Aoth has a point to some degree..  I think that SR should limit forum posting to those that have made at least 1 purchase . And only 1 account on SR per ip address or per SR market account. something along those lines. its way to easy to make other accounts and talk shit.  lots of forums restrict forums to 1 account per ip address.  this really needs to be implemented.  I mean wtf are we giving SR commission for? but ill keep it at that.. im really upset at SR service the last week and ill try to keep those comments elsewhere
Title: Re: Reducing clutter in SR forums
Post by: Asbury on January 14, 2012, 05:20 pm

I think that SR should limit forum posting to those that have made at least 1 purchase
What about sellers that don't buy anything? What about them?

And only 1 account on SR per ip address
Wouldn't work with tor

or per SR market account
some people have separate accounts for buying/selling

lots of forums restrict forums to 1 account per ip address.  this really needs to be implemented.
everybody would be banned then

Title: Re: Reducing clutter in SR forums
Post by: DigitalDong on January 14, 2012, 05:36 pm
yeah thanks for that info asbury .. i guess i knew about the not having same ip address everytime we connect.(brainfart).. if we didnt have that we wouldnt be anonymous..
still not used to the whole tor thing ;)
i guess ill just leave this up to someone smarter than me ....

about the seller thing.. sellers can get to post without buying... but they must keep the same vendor name as it is in the market ... buyer accounts get 1 forum account after 1st purchase
Title: Re: Reducing clutter in SR forums
Post by: Asbury on January 14, 2012, 05:57 pm
about the seller thing.. sellers can get to post without buying... but they must keep the same vendor name as it is in the market ... buyer accounts get 1 forum account after 1st purchase

i wouldn't have a problem with that